Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Together Again!

Tonight we picked Michael up from a local grocery store parking lot where the Wyld Life camp bus dropped off the kids. He had a wonderful time, has a suitcase FULL of filthy clothes and sopping wet shoes, and many stories to tell. This was his 1st camp experience, as he has never wanted to go until this year. We picked him up at about 8:00pm. He hadn't eaten dinner because he hates fast food and they stopped at McDonald's on the way home. Here he is eating his minimally sauced spaghetti (he doesn't like a lot of sauce) and telling us all of the crazy goings on of camp. Steven missed him quite a bit. He got to stay home with us (he didn't want to go to camp), and then just me when Dave had to go to Albany yesterday morning. He came home today. Steven and I had a nice time together biking, eating out, and having Monkey Ball competitions. Now we are all together again, and I am happy!


Martha said...

I can almost smell those wet, dirty camp clothes. I bet they went directly into the washing machine.

Glad to hear everyone is home together again.

Priscilla said...

I'm glad he had fun. Camp is a wonderful experience. It took me 2 days to do all the wet stinky camp laundry.

T said...

can't wait till i have camp kids....LOL. Glad he had a good time.

Bethany said...

Ew. Bet those clothes smelled like a boy.

kristina said...

I am glad he had a good time, never met a kid who didn't like McDonalds and have no idea what Monkeyball is.