Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Goings on...

Saturday while I was doing laundry and general pick up of clutter, I noticed that Steven had taken my vacuum cleaner apart to examine it. He is very interested in how these things work. I suppose it's good experience for him to do stuff like this. It actually reminds me a bit of my Grandpa Plotzker who was very good at taking broken things apart and making them like brand new again.
On Sunday afternoon Dave and I went out in search of new mattresses for our kids. The ones that they have been using were very old and were given to us by Dave's parents. Lately the boys have been having allergy symptoms (mostly in the morning) and it killed me to think what was inside those old mattresses. The box springs were the old metal kind. Anyway, the new mattresses came today and I have covered them with dust mite covers. I had told Steven that when their new mattresses came their beds would be higher, but it is higher than I had imagined. Their bed frames look like miniature frames now, the headboard is barely even visible. I had to clip his reading light on the shelf above his bed since his headboard is now too low.
I wonder what Michael will say when he sees this picture. The little bunny sitting on his bed is Cutie Bunny. He has been Michael's favorite stuffed animal since Michael was 2 yrs old, and he has taken many trips with us (including our trip to Florida last month). Michael snuck him to Florida for his traditional ride on the ceiling fan...so he says. ;) He no longer sits on Michael's bed though since Michael is now almost 15, but has been sitting on a shelf. I think Cutie deserves a place on Michael's bed regardless of Michael's age. :)


Martha said...

"The Adventures of Cutie Bunny"...

I have an little old dog named "Kitty Kit" in my dresser drawer. He once was a stowaway in a sleeping bag on his way to camp. I wonder who could have planted him there... The other boys in the cabin were amused. I wonder if my son was?

Priscilla said...

Is his room always this neat?

Tracy said...

I'm glad that Cutie Bunny is in his proper place on the bed, if only for this portrait.

I don't like those high mattresses, but that's all they seem to make any more...

Rachel said...

Priscilla, no. He picked up his mess the night before the mattress came because we asked him to. Then I vacuumed like crazy while I could see the floor.

Martha said...

You mean before Steven took the vacuum cleaner apart.

Rachel said...

Martha- No, after Steven took the vacuum cleaner apart. He put it all back together once he checked it all out.

Priscilla said...

I remember that Phil used to take everything apart. I'd go to his dorm room to get him to go to dinner and he'd have something apart. I'd say, "Was it broken?" He'd say no and that he just wanted to see what it looked like inside. He'd always put it back together and it worked perfectly. I told him that he'd either drive his wife crazy some day...or that she would be glad he was so handy. Maybe both.