Today was a reminder for me that I need to savor every moment I have left with my mother. This morning Martha called at a little after 7:00am, which is very unusual. She called to say that my dad had called her to let her know that mom had gone to the hospital in an ambulance. No details were given, and I don't know about you, but when I'm not given any details my mind goes crazy with the possibilities. I prayed for her before going up to the hospital with Martha and James. Priscilla was going to meet us there, but we never made it inside the hospital due to one of Martha's kids informing us that mom had been discharged. It's a long story, but when I finally did see her she was back at home and seemed like her normal self again. It turns out she woke up this morning with her heart beating very fast and it wasn't slowing down. My mom has a condition that is only getting worse. She never complains about her condition to me, and when I ask her

how she's feeling she always tells me "fine", although when I talked to my Aunt this morning she said that my mom sometimes tells her that her condition is worsening. I know that when mom leaves this earth she's going to a much better place, but it's hard for me to imagine life without her. Our visit today was extra special. I am so thankful to still have her, and I am grateful for the reminder to hug her lots while I still can.