Blessed are the pure in heart-
"Self discipline, repression, and rational arguement are inadequate weapons to use in fighting the impulse toward impurity. Muriac ont found one reason to be pure, and that is what Jesus presented in the Beatitudes. 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Muriac's words, "Impurity separates us from God. The spiritual life obeys laws as verifiable as those of the physical world...Purity is the condition for a higher love- for a possession superior to all possessions: that of God, Yes, that is what is at stake, and nothing less."
"Reading Muriac's words did not end my struggle, but I must say beyond all doubt that I have found his analysis to be true. The love God holds out to us requires that our faculties be cleansed and purified before we can receive a higher love, one attainable in no other way. That is the motive to stay pure. By harboring lust, I limit my own intimacy with God. The pure in heart are truly blessed, for they will see God. It is as simple, and as difficult, as that."