Thursday, October 19, 2023
Saturday, October 07, 2023
His Mercies Are New Every Morning!
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Prone to Wander
“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters. . . . Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food” (Isaiah 55:1–2)
Why is it, that despite my truest convictions and best intentions, I allow myself to be distracted by the meaningless? The scrolling can seem endless some mornings as there are many things I "must" check...and before I know it it's already 11:00am with many things to do, and off I go to work, shop, play Pickleball, visit friends, happy hour, whatever it may be.... all while being spiritually empty and powerless..😭 Unwittingly, I am choosing captivity over freedom. I am choosing dryness and ineffectiveness over God's power in me, and am not able to be used by Him to affect the lost souls all around me. I am being robbed all too often by the one who hates me and seeks to destroy me and anyone else who allows him.
How will I battle the devil and his demons? What will I do to thwart the evil forces set against my daily devotions?
God, help me to seek You simply, to gather a day’s portion each morning before I start my day, that I could get a glimpse of the world through your eyes and have your compassion and share your love with those who I wouldn't normally see (or if I do, might be annoyed by rather than feel compassion for). I am a worthless and empty vessel without You God, longing for your power, but all too often not having an ounce of it to share. Forgive me for being a disobedient time waster. Keep fresh in my mind the battle I face each day. Thank you for the impact of my parents and other Christians you have placed in my life.
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let Thy goodness like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, oh take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above
Oh take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above
Sunday, July 09, 2023
He doesn't like cameras...
Did I ever mention how much my brother hates having his picture taken? This is how cooperative he felt like being a few days ago.😂 So silly.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Do something extraordinary...
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Unto Him (Jude 24-25) [Live] | Official Lyric Video | Shane & Shane
Sunday, March 05, 2023
Send Me
May I be open to the opportunities you put in front of me this week. Give me your eyes to see the needs all around me, and the strength to avoid the useless distractions. Help me to love as you do...
If it's bandaging the broken
Or washing filthy feet
Here I am, Lord, send me
If it's loving one another
Even when we don't agree
Here I am, Lord, send meIf I'm known by how I love
Let my life reflect how much I love You
I love You
And before You even ask
Oh, my answer will be, yes, 'cause I love You
I love You
Thursday, March 02, 2023
Lord, give me your eyes ...
She's depressed and tells me she hasn't gotten off the couch or brushed her teeth in weeks. Her teeth are covered in heavy calculus, and her gums are bleeding because of the lack of care. I've heard her groans and have seen her cry many times. She used to annoy me when I saw her, after all, I had a schedule to keep, and she slowed me way down and made me run behind. Today, I can't understand why I lacked compassion for her. I am not annoyed, in fact my heart breaks for her. She hasn't changed her ways, but God is changing my heart. She asks me if I've watched the news. I tell her that I stay away from it. She says, "But you have to be informed". I tell her I used to think the same, but tell her I'm a lot happier when I focus on positive things, things that I know are true. I don't know with the news anymore. I talk to her about Jesus and the Bible and she asks me if I'm a "born again Christian". I tell her yes. I encourage her. I think I could have and should have said more... She falls asleep in my chair during her cleaning. It was at least the 3rd time I've seen her, but she tells the girl at the front desk "That was the best Hygienist I've ever had!", and the front desk girl comes back to tell me. Maybe she saw Jesus in me. I prayed for her last night. Maybe I can do more for her...
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missin'
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Thursday, February 23, 2023
1. I am glad that God is in the details of my life, and that I am known and loved by Him.
2. I can give God everything that concerns me...the threat of politics, wars, trends... Nothing is a surprise to Him, and He is still in control of ALL things, therefore there is no need to panic or feel overwhelmed.
3. Everything that comes into my life first passes through the hands of my Heavenly Father. He graciously oversees all things and is there to encourage me.
Friday, February 17, 2023
They called and said they were sending out a consent form. I signed it yesterday. He has 3 severely loose teeth on his lower anterior. I knew he was chewing different, but he doesn't show me his teeth. They are afraid he's going to aspirate them, so they are going to remove them. My poor brother. One more loss for him. I spoke with his hygienist and she said he comes every 3 months to have them cleaned, and for now everything else seems stable. For that I am grateful.