Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tonight we continued to read "Treasures of the Snow" with my nephew Allen here. My sister Priscilla is also reading the story to him and his sisters. Now many times in this story I have felt my emotions being stirred, but I have always been able to control them. Tonight on the other hand I began to cry as I read the part where Annette finally answers the "knock on the door" and asks Jesus into her heart. The kids were all quite amused and giggled, and Michael (my 11 year old) ran to get me the box of tissues. I have to admit, I felt kind of silly as my husband, children, and nephew started to laugh at me, but I know they really wanted to cry too. Allen was quick to say, "My mom cried at the end of one of the chapters we just read too". Oh I can't wait for what's to come! I guess I better keep my tissues handy when I reach for the book again.
Monday, July 10, 2006

A rainbow!!
This evening after it stormed and stormed, we saw a beautiful rainbow. What a TON of rain we got in a short amount of time. My poor husband had planted grass seed where we had a stump removed this weekend, and he ran out in the rain to cover it with a tarp before it completely washed away. My impatiens (sp?) got completely waterlogged too because the rain came off of our roof so hard in front, that it created a river through them. Oh well, the rain was awfully fun to watch!!
Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Day in the Park
Today we decided to head out to Letchworth State Park for a hike, picnic dinner, and swim with my sister Priscilla and her family. What a beautiful day it was, perfect for a hike and picnic. I think all of the kids enjoyed themselves. Along the hike I think all the kids were pretty amazed at how big the cliffs were, I know Steven was because he kept asking Dave about how high the cliffs were. We even got to see a mother deer and her two babies, that were nursing. Dinner consisted of submarine sandwiches, chips, pickles, strawberries, and a potato salad and macaroni salad that Uncle Jamie brought. Uncle Jamie even bought chocolate chip cookies for dessert. He was kind enough to share their salads and cookies with us. Steven couldn't wait to take a dip in the park pool, only to find out that the water was a little bit colder than he expected and liked. And Alicia was a little disappointed to find that she wasn't allowed to use her bubble flotation device in the pool. (too dangerous I guess) It was a refreshing way for the kids to end their day though. All in all, I think it was a great day!