Friday, December 15, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Things that go woof in the night

This is Jake. We adopted Jake from the Humane Society almost 9 years ago when he was a year old. He's really been a wonderful addition to our family, and I can't imagine him not being here with us.
Jake loves to look out all of our windows here, since he can do so easily. This is evident by all the snooty marks he leaves all over them. Well, last night when Jake should have been sleeping peacfully in his bed, he was looking out windows instead. He woke us at 3:35 am with a great barking commotion. Dave, myself, and both boys flew out of bed and down the stairs to see what was happening. We looked out small windows on either side of our front door, into the front yard where Jake was looking. There in our front yard, stood three deer. They didn't seem the least bit fazed by all of Jake's antics inside the house. I will admit though, I opened the door a crack to scare them off because I feared we would'nt get any peace until they were out of sight. Needless to say, I think it was probably 4:30 am or so by the time I got back to sleep. At least I know if there was any mischief of any sort going on out there, he'd be sure to let us know. Now I need to go take a nap.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Christmas Geeks!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sleepy Days

I had to post this picture because it reminds me of a post on my sister Martha's blog (posted on Monday Nov.13th). Michael (my 11 yr. old son) took this photo of Dave and I sleeping on the couch the other day. Once again I am caught sleeping with what Dave refers to as my "teddy bear". I obviously spend way too much time with the lap top.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Pumpkin Cookies on Halloween
Friday, October 27, 2006
Fifteen Years of Wedded Bliss
Friday, October 20, 2006
Autumn Fun!

Tonight we gave in to Michael's pleas to carve pumpkins, and we let the boys carve their own. Dave has always carved them FOR the boys, but this year he said that it was time for them to do their own. This was very nerve wracking for me, watching them use sharp knives, and just praying they wouldn't chop any fingers or anything else off. My darling husband said, "Oh don't worry, I carved pumpkins every year when I was a kid and I always cut myself." Ahhhh! It's a good thing I have a husband here to help me teach my boys not to be such "pansies" . They had a fantastic time, and said it was much more fun to carve their own than to watch their dad do it.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Steven Returns!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Busy Day!
Friday, September 15, 2006

Today started out as a very sleepy kind of day. After the kids got on the bus, I laid down on the couch and woke up at 11:15 am. I felt like the day was half over, but I also felt very groggy and had a hard time waking up so I had some Belgian Hazelnut coffee to help me. Then I did the dishes and got on the exercise bike. After showering, I felt like it was time to bake, so I made a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. When the boys walked in the door from school Michael said, Yum, what are you making? When I told him I had made a pumpkin pie, he ran up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss and said, "I love you mom!"
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Oh Deer!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My boys have decided that instead of catching the crickets from our basement and letting them go outside, they would collect them in a "bug barn". This picture is hard to see, but this is our cricket family. They will eat just about anything, so we put some watermelon pieces and some grapes in their new home for them to eat. They sure are noisy, and boy do they poop a lot!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
I wish I got a photo of the truck and trailer that I saw taking off down the street with a big load of wood that my neighbor had promised to my bother in law (James). It was a big, white truck with a pretty large trailer, and when I went over to see how much wood was left, I knew James would be disappointed. I quickly went in my house and left a message on his answering machine so he could come and get the rest before the thief arrived for more. I got a phone call a short time later...James was the "thief". He had borrowed a friend's truck and trailer to pick up the wood.

A Family Affair
Today I decided it was a good day to scrub the grout on our ceramic tile floors, so I got out the Clorox spray and old toothbrushes. My 2 boys came running and picked out some of the dirtiest spots that they wanted to try cleaning. They were actually fighting over which spots they were gonna clean! Michael got 2 more old toothbrushes that were with the cleaning supplies, and away they went. It was great!! My floor looks so much better, and I got done much quicker than I anticipated, and everyone was happy doing it! Amazing, huh?
Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Adirondacks
From Wednesday to Saturday we went camping up in the Adirondack mountains with 4 other couples and their kids. All of us have been friends for quite a few years now, but a few of us had never camped together before. It was such a blast! We hiked to the top of Rocky Mountain one day. We had someone take this picture of us at the top (we are missing one of our guys who didn't climb due to a back problem). We cooked together, ate together, the kids rode bikes together, and we went kayaking together (most of us). Good memories!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Tonight we continued to read "Treasures of the Snow" with my nephew Allen here. My sister Priscilla is also reading the story to him and his sisters. Now many times in this story I have felt my emotions being stirred, but I have always been able to control them. Tonight on the other hand I began to cry as I read the part where Annette finally answers the "knock on the door" and asks Jesus into her heart. The kids were all quite amused and giggled, and Michael (my 11 year old) ran to get me the box of tissues. I have to admit, I felt kind of silly as my husband, children, and nephew started to laugh at me, but I know they really wanted to cry too. Allen was quick to say, "My mom cried at the end of one of the chapters we just read too". Oh I can't wait for what's to come! I guess I better keep my tissues handy when I reach for the book again.
Monday, July 10, 2006

A rainbow!!
This evening after it stormed and stormed, we saw a beautiful rainbow. What a TON of rain we got in a short amount of time. My poor husband had planted grass seed where we had a stump removed this weekend, and he ran out in the rain to cover it with a tarp before it completely washed away. My impatiens (sp?) got completely waterlogged too because the rain came off of our roof so hard in front, that it created a river through them. Oh well, the rain was awfully fun to watch!!
Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Day in the Park
Today we decided to head out to Letchworth State Park for a hike, picnic dinner, and swim with my sister Priscilla and her family. What a beautiful day it was, perfect for a hike and picnic. I think all of the kids enjoyed themselves. Along the hike I think all the kids were pretty amazed at how big the cliffs were, I know Steven was because he kept asking Dave about how high the cliffs were. We even got to see a mother deer and her two babies, that were nursing. Dinner consisted of submarine sandwiches, chips, pickles, strawberries, and a potato salad and macaroni salad that Uncle Jamie brought. Uncle Jamie even bought chocolate chip cookies for dessert. He was kind enough to share their salads and cookies with us. Steven couldn't wait to take a dip in the park pool, only to find out that the water was a little bit colder than he expected and liked. And Alicia was a little disappointed to find that she wasn't allowed to use her bubble flotation device in the pool. (too dangerous I guess) It was a refreshing way for the kids to end their day though. All in all, I think it was a great day!
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Caught in the rain
This evening around 7:30 Steven and I decided to go on another one of our hour long bike rides. It was beautiful when we left, but about a half hour into our ride it got dark and started to rain, and then pour. Of coarse there was a little bit of thunder and lightning too, but God saved the big BOOMS til we got home. The experience was quite exciting for Steven. As we reached our neighborhood Dave and Michael were just about ready to pull out of the neighborhood with the bike rack on the car. They were coming to rescue us! We were so close to home though at that point, we just rode the rest of the way. Needless to say, by the time we got home we were completely drenched, but it was a very memorable experience! Here we are (minus our helmets) when we got back.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today I went on an hour long bike ride with Steven. It was a nice thing for us to do together. While we were on the Hojak Trail, we were slowing down to go around a chain thingy and my feet were stuck in the straps that keep your feet from slipping off the pedals. I could not get them out as we were slowing down and the point came where I had to put my foot on the ground. It must have looked hysterical as I tipped to the side and fell on the ground. It didn't hurt at all except for my right wrist. I have a touch of carpal tunnel in that hand already from being a hygienist for 15 years, so it bother's me at times. Now it feels bruised on top of that. My chain came off too and believe it or not, I've never put a chain on before. Steven (my 12 year old) came to my rescue and quickly put the chain back on for me and made sure it was working properly. It would've been a very long walk back home.
Dave dislocated his shoulder sliding in to home plate last night playing softball. He is very sore today, is wearing a sling, and is going to the doctor to find out what exercises he should do to strengthen it again. (when it heals a little) I guess once you dislocate a shoulder, it's easy for it to happen again because things are all loose in there. No more softball for at least 2 weeks, maybe more. His poor body is so beat up from years of sports. I told him maybe he should just stick to golfing now. His response..."What fun is that?" (He loves to golf but not only golf)
Well, we were going to take a quick dip in the pool after that nice bike ride, but the rain drops are falling pretty hard right now. I think I'll go visit my mom and dad!