Winter has finally arrived in Rochester, NY. We have our 1st real snow accumulation. This morning I was 20 min late for work since the roads were slick and people were using extra caution in getting where they had to go. I had a nice day at work and thought I was going to get to leave a little bit early, but my last patient of the day came 40 minutes late for her appointment and I didn't have the heart to turn her away since she sat in traffic and had a miserable time trying to make it to her appointment on time. I got out of work a half hour late instead, and my drive home was slow going. It was snowing, and the roads hadn't been plowed. I arrived to my warm, cozy home an hour after I left work, and it usually takes me about 20 minutes. It is a whopping 16 degrees outside right now...brrr, but in spite of my traveling difficulties today I feel happy to have some wintry weather. :) Tonight the cold didn't keep me indoors, for there was a little someone who needed to get some fresh air, so out we went to take a quick little walk around our circle.
Christmas cutouts for the boys...that means you aren't eating any?
Actually, I ate 2 unfrosted ones. Dave and the boys are eating the rest. I made Russian Tea Cakes 2 nights ago, and they lasted less than 24 hrs. I came home from work yesterday and couldn't find them because they were all gone.
Cookies... blah! Maybe they will sound yummy tomorrow.
Al of our snow, which was little, has blown away.
Really, you have no snow? It must have all blown to Webster. We can't even see our grass.
Your blog is snowing!
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