Friday, August 24, 2007

Me and Gramma

Today I went to visit my mom for a bit, and while I was there we got talking about slides. My dad said he thought that they might have another small box of them. Just before I left, my mom looked and there was! I came right home and started to scan some of them to see what was there. Unfortunately the computer froze up and I have not been able to get the scanner to work, but not before I found and scanned this photo of me with my grandma. I think it's the only photo I've ever seen of myself with her! (I know that sounds strange, but it's true) My grandma (my dad's mom) developed Alzheimer's and was in the State Hospital by the time I was 9 or so. She was bedridden for several years before she died, shortly after Dave and I were married. (I was 23) What a special photo to find!


Kim said...

I'm glad you found this photo. What a treat! It's fun to see old photos that are new in that we've never seen them before.

Priscilla said...

Wow! What a great photo! I love looking at it because although my memories are vague...they come back so sharply when I see a picture like this. I always liked looking at that lady on the wall holding the roll of paper like a rolling pin.

Sometimes I think it would be fun to step back in time again to be just a kid.

Priscilla said...

Oh my goodness. I just enlarged it to take a closer look and noticed the picture book you are looking at. I loved that book!

Rachel said...

I loved that book too.

One of the things I remember most about Grandma and Grandpa's house was the smell of Caress soap.

judi/Gmj said...

yep a good one, and enlarged you can see the ?? recipies?? taped inside the cupboard door!! Every the foody, I am curious can you enlarge it to read those? Must be important ones.

Martha said...

Sorry, I have no clue what is taped inside the cupboard. If it were me it would be equivalents and substitutions but I don't know what Grandma had.

This is a familiar scene to me, not just the kitchen but Rachle sitting on Grandma's lap at the table. Is that the Baby book? I used to have one at home and it was also my favorite. My kids had one when they were little, I think. (Kim needs one for N.)